Twelve strangers, one location. Below are a collection of photographs - portraits - of 12 people I met at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Reem has lived in Philadelphia for 16 years. "I'm being a slacker today," he commented about his reasons for being at the Art Museum. Reem had the most positive outlook on Philadelphia, especially loving the people and diversity of the city. And what didn't he like? "There's nothing I don't like. I love the city!"

A 15 year native of Philadelphia, Becca was "doing the Rocky thing" at the Art Museum, showing everyone else how it's done. And she won. After a slight hesitation, Becca decided her favorite thing about Philadelphia was the Center City, Downtown area, but quickly recited her least favorite thing: the crime.

Chelsey is another 15 year resident of Philadelphia, also doing "the Rocky thing" on this cold, brisk day. Stealing my heart, her favorite Philadelphia thing were the cheesesteaks; "Pats all the way." Her major problem with the City of Brotherly Love: no love. "The violence is what gets me down."

Erica was born in Philadelphia but was currently living in San Diego. She was at the Art Museum just killing time before she had some more "pressing" family matters to attend to. The thing that keeps bringing her back to Philadelphia isn't the attractions or the cheesesteaks, "I'm here to see my family." But the weather she could do without.

Julie has lived in Philadelphia for 10 years and was at the Art Museum to show some friends around - who of course wanted to do the Rocky thing. She's loves Philadelphia because it's home to her, but once again the violence in the city is what annoys her most.

Bryan was just visiting the city today, and checking out the Art Museum. It's fitting that he was visiting the Art Museum because of his appreciation for the city's architecture. "It's just so dirty, though," was his essential complaint.

Not a city resident, Julia has lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia "forever." But today she was just visiting the city. "I just love the diversity of everything. You have all the people and the universities and everything. It's just so diverse." But she echoed the sentiments of strangers past - "But it is dirty, and I don't like the violence," she said.

Having lived in the city for "three and a half years," Phil was running up the steps Rocky-style with a friend that was visiting. Finally a sports fan among the strangers, the reason Philadelphia has his love is because of the Phillies. It's hard to imagine he enjoyed the traffic issues the city faced on the day of the parade, however, as he lamented his least favorite thing about the city: so many cars.

Another Rocky runner, Greg, an "honorary Philadelphian" visiting for the day made the run up the steps. The traffic bugs Greg the most, but at least when he's stuck in traffic, he can look at his favorite part of the city. "I wouldn't go so far as to say the architecture is the best. But the buildings, sure."

Tony was at the Art Museum to run up the museums steps just like Rocky. A visiting Californian who had only been here for two days, the ice was really putting a damper on his visit. But he does love the history of the city.

Ria, another visiting Californian, was at the steps for the same reason as all the other tourists - to be like Rocky. Of course, after leaving the beautiful California weather she was used to, Philadelphia was, not surprisingly, disappointing due to the massive cold front. But her favorite part of the city was still there, even in the cold - all the brick buildings.

Matt was visiting his cousin in Philadelphia, and had gone to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for tourist reasons. His favorite thing, the artery-clogging cheesesteaks. And fortunately for Philadelphia, Matt hadn't been around long enough for him to find anything to dislike.
I love how you used the picture frame in this- it's really creative and interesting!